Inspiration From Daughters Worry

My oldest daughter got asked to take a test for the gifted program and she was working herself up and worrying like crazy.  I went on to tell her that most things we worry about in this world will never come to pass. I encouraged her to do her best, and how her feelings are just like ours when we are going for our dreams.  We often think all these negative thoughts to prevent us from even starting on our journey to find our purpose. You don’t want to take your dreams with you to the grave.  The time to act is now, the longer you wait, the longer it will never happen.  If you are frustrated, stuck, and seeking hope, please get in touch with me!  The best thing about your story is that nobody can copy it.  You are your own superhero!  Create a space between who you were, and who you need to become to fulfill your destiny.

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