Inspiration from Flying A Kite

A friend of mine posted something the other day about something she witnessed sitting on the 13th floor of a balcony at the beach.  There was a guy trying to fly and kite and he was having a ton of trouble getting it into the air.  Person after person kept walking by without offering assistance to help him.  He eventually gave up and walked back inside.  We are all meant to fly in this world like the kite! We are meant to soar like eagles.  We are not meant to live in a cubicle for 30 years and then start to live our life.  Who are you hanging around at the moment.  Are you hanging out with people who can help you when you struggle in regards to your dreams!  Nobody will be cheering for you when you decide to go for your dreams.  You are someone who is built different, and doesn’t want to settle in this life.  Dont let your kite go to the sand in a fiery crash.  Get around people who can support you and encourage you and push you to be the best version of yourself. I would love to meet you and hear about your dreams.  Are you ready to fly?
