Times A Ticking

Are you fed up with your current circumstances. We as human beings don’t change or take action until the tipping point. We all go through the motions and do the same thing everyday expecting different results. That is the definition of insanity. You need to start taking action because the clock is ticking. You have… Continue reading Times A Ticking

Step Out In Faith Today!

I discuss an interview I heard with Tim Tebow. The stories we tell our selves are extremely important. What are you telling yourself on a daily basis that’s preventing you from becoming your best self. We have 60,000 thoughts a day, and 97% of those are the same ones as the day before. Take action… Continue reading Step Out In Faith Today!

Passion Is Suffering!

Passion is Suffering. Most people are not passionate about anything they are doing in this life. You are not going to make any impact in your life by staying in your comfort zone. Most people are not willing to step out of their comfort zone and take that criticism. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice of… Continue reading Passion Is Suffering!

The Past is The Past

I talk about writing my Mom a letter for her Birthday and how she reminded me that the past is the past and all have been forgiven. I move to talk about how we can’t let our past define us, and we cant allow that to take the gift of the present away. We must… Continue reading The Past is The Past

Stop Making Excuses Today!

I see a guy come to the gym in an electric wheelchair, and get on several machines to work out on. He wasn’t making any excuse for his abilities to try and better himself and this really moved me. What excuses are you making in your life that are preventing you from becoming all GOD… Continue reading Stop Making Excuses Today!