Growing and Going Today

Did you know what you are where you are for a reason? You can change your next move though. It all starts with you making a decision to course correct your life.  When you want to go for more you will be met with extreme adversity to test you to see if you are even… Continue reading Growing and Going Today

Why You Why Now?

When you want to start a new path in life you need to make a powerful and definite decision. Everyday can be a blank sheet of paper.  You should get a list of  Whys!  Why do you want to pursue your dreams today?  It needs to be something stronger than money.  Your mission will be… Continue reading Why You Why Now?

Reneau Peurifoy Interview – Why You Feel The Way You Do

My first interview comes by way of Renau Peurifoy! We discuss his latest book titled Why You Feel The Way You Do.  We touch base on alot of material and I’m sure you will find his expertise extremely useful and practical as well! Reneau Peurifoy is an internationally known author, therapist, and teacher. Over his four-decade… Continue reading Reneau Peurifoy Interview – Why You Feel The Way You Do