Mother’s Day 2023

I talk about how important it is to realize how special our parents are in our life. My mother is my guardian angel on this earth.  We should honor thy mother and father.  Preacher Mike reminded us of how we should be in regards to showing our parents love, and giving them a break because… Continue reading Mother’s Day 2023

Do You Need A Reset Today?

I discuss having to realize where I am on my podcast journey and pausing to embrace the conscious incompetence that I’m facing in regards to where I am in the learning process. We need to pause sometimes and celebrate the small wins and realize that those will add up to our success.  My Dad passing… Continue reading Do You Need A Reset Today?

Take The First Steps Today

I discuss finishing a step study through Celebrate Recovery.  We all have hurts, habits, and hang ups that we deal with on a daily basis. Its good for us to take inventory on ourselves to give us some sort of measurement to see where we are on our journey. We all need support on this… Continue reading Take The First Steps Today

First Speaking Gig

My first speaking gig approaches by way of my Church for a Bible Study I went through called Every Man A Warrior.  The first book is geared toward getting men to open up about the struggles we all face in this world, and how we can share, and hold each other accountable in our walk… Continue reading First Speaking Gig