Stop Looking For Support

I had a conversation with a close friend from my inner circle. He told me that I was making a difference in his life and a few others that we know.  He told me that they were starting to look at life through a different lens. Most people wont understand your dream, and you wanting… Continue reading Stop Looking For Support

Persistence Pays Off Today

Persistence gets the snail on the ark! It isn’t how fast you move, but as long as you are moving forward in regards to your dreams you will eventually arrive toward your destination.  Most people are not doing what they want to do with their life.  We need to find out what our spiritual gifts… Continue reading Persistence Pays Off Today

Are Your Motives Pure?

Why do you Do What You Do? Are you operating from a space of being genuine or are you operating from a space of just receiving accolades. If you are doing things for money or accolades you are missing the mark BIG TIME!  If your motive is doing it for the accolades you are doing… Continue reading Are Your Motives Pure?