Motivation From Thinking

I talk about some teachers that really made a difference in my life. There was one teacher by the name of Mr. Sanders who always had the word “Think” on his board and would always try and get us to do just that.  Thinking is hard, and most people don’t want to do it?   You… Continue reading Motivation From Thinking

Motivation From Scoffers

We have been talking about Scoffers in revelation recently in Life Group.  A scoffer is someone who is wanting to prevent you from doing something unconventional on this planet. When people closets to you are giving you a bunch of flack for having big ideas, and big dreams, they are simply projecting there own beliefs… Continue reading Motivation From Scoffers

Your Reasons Are Good Enough

How long are you willing to delay gratification in regards to achieving your dreams?  You wanting to pursue your dreams is enough of a reason to get going.  Watch what happens when you start sharing your big dreams with anyone!  I used to listen to other peoples opinions in regards to how I should choose… Continue reading Your Reasons Are Good Enough