Inspiration From A Conversation About Lung Cancer

I had a conversation with a young lady who was a retired professor who instructed people to become clinical therapists. She told me a story about her mom and dad travelling to Yellowstone when they were in their prime and the pictures they took while on the excursion.   Ironically enough she went on a trip with her husband and they took a photo, and this photo was taken at the exact same spot as her parents some 30 years prior.  She told me about the last moments she shared with her Dad, and she asked him was he ready to leave this world.  She told me that he looked at her and said that he had done everything he wanted to do and had seen everything he wanted to see while he was here on this planet?  What about you?  Have you seen all you wanted to see?  Have you done all the things you set out to do in your mind?  Can you honestly say you have even tried to fulfill or find your purpose for being here in this life. Your circumstances you are in right now are a direct result of the decisions you have been making.  Need accountability?  Join my mastermind where you will be held accountable! Share this message with someone who needs to hear it!  Want to work together?
