Purpose Lessons From Joining Toastmasters

I talk about joining a local Toastmasters here in my area.  I have never been and it was such a wonderful experience! Speaking in public is one of the biggest fears that most people have outside of dying!  I went on 9 11 2023, and ended up running into a guy from my life group at Church.   They have a thing called table topics where a member pics a topic and we all have a chance to get up and speak on the topic for a couple of minutes.  We have a grammarian watching and listening and counting the ums, and oh’s, and so on and so forth.   The 20 year old me didn’t realize what I was watching that day when the planes hit the towers.  The 50 year old me had a completely different perspective. Many people went to work that day and kissed there wife, or husband goodbye, and maybe even took the kids to school for drop off and never made it home after that incident!  What are you passionate about that you could share with someone and sell your advice in a very simple way! Don’t let the limiting beliefs of your past weigh you down in this life! When you are ready to fly and share your message with the world!

Connect: linkwithsean.com

