Passion Lessons Learned From Playing Disc Golf

I played Disc Golf for the first time the other day. I went with a buddy of mine who was clearly obsessed with the sport. He stepped and tossed the disc and I was like WOW, that was awesome! When I stepped up the throw it was absolutely horrible! I used to play in the neighborhood when I was younger and made our own course, but this was a whole other level!  It was a stark reminder of what its like when we start doing something new that we will not be good at all!  You need to realize that when we start anything new we wont be good at it!  I realized at that point that their was a lot more skill involved than Imagined!  I want to apply this to going for your dream! When you get started it will seem like you are an amateur, and you are! It takes passion, persistence, and commitment to make your dreams a reality! You have to remember why you started in the first place. You will have to dial your expectations in your pursuits.  Your story is powerful, and once your realize that you can become unstoppable when you start to push that rock up the hill. Most people will never start because they are worried about what other people think! People are not worried about you, they are more concerned with their own life and their own social media feeds.   Are you willing to stay in the game? You will need to work without seeing a result and continue regardless of the expectation you have set for yourself! Get around people who have big dreams so that they can hold you accountable.  Let have a conversation!
