Inspiration From A Bird In a Fish Bowl

Move in to what you’re made for.  We all have a calling and purpose for our life.  When you realize that you are a bird living in a fishbowl, and that isn’t the right environment for you and doesn’t align with your purpose in this life.   Most people are living this way and don’t like what they do to earn income just in order to survive.  What are you waiting for in regards to going for your dream?  There will never be a perfect time, and you will always feel like you are that bird stuck in a fish bowl.  One of these days you wont have the time or energy to start working on your dream!  We all want to taste the air and fly in this life.   There is more to life when you step out of your comfort zone and start to meet your limiting beliefs head on. Your biggest insecurity reveals the calling on your life.  What’s your calling?  Do you want to share your story, and teach a lesson?  For so many years I was comparing myself to others, and we have all done it. When you realize that your commitment to purpose is going to provide your contentment in this life, not your comparison to people.  Lets have a conversation