Motivation From Filling Up Gaps

I talk about filling up gaps in your life from a study I am currently in called every man a warrior.  It talks about the word helper and what that means for the marriage.  Our wives will fill in the gaps to what we are.  When you start to think about filling in the gaps of your life in pursuit of your dream.   What are you filling your time gaps up with these days?  Are you allowing things that don’t serve you to occupy your ability to move your dream forward?  Who are you associating with these days that don’t really benefit your purpose here in this life.  80% of the country does not like what they do in order to pay bill and survive. A one hour coaching call changed my life forever and allowed me to belive that I had a message to share and a lesson to teach. When you realize that the pain of moving forward is less than the pain of staying where you are you can then begin to move forward and get out of the starting gate towards your calling.
