Motivation From Being Absolutely Irresponsible

Chat GPT seems to be the new kid on the block and everybody is screaming and trying to convince you to do something with it.  Here is one thing that I  know is that it will never be able to replace your story, and your life, and the wisdom you have gained on your journey of life.  AI is generic, and it will never have the wisdom you have acquired in this life.  We are spiritual beings having a human experience.  Most people don’t want to work on themselves.  Most people will never take action in regards to their dreams.  Do not let the opinions of other people dictate how you choose to move in this life.  Our purpose for being here is connection, and we must not allow AI to further this disconnection among our species.  AI wont be able to create your story and message.  When you are ready to share your message with the world, lets have a conversation.
