Your Excuses Are Your Handicap

I saw a lady at the gym today who was using a walker getting on leg machines and working out!  It was a stark reminder to me how many people make excuses about why they cant do anything in this life!   The more you argue for your limitations and excuses they will surely become your existence.  We all have the same 24hrs in a day to work on ourselves and our dreams but most people will scroll their life away looking at other peoples life, and not even work on their own life. Most people will never understand your dreams because they have their own version of you that they see that has everything to do with them and how they see themselves.  Stop making excuses for why you cant live out your dreams? Why would you continue to waste time with people and things that don’t serve your purpose for being here.  You must guard your mind on a daily basis to ensure you are feeding your mind the right stuff.  Do you feel like you have a calling and purpose here?  Then get moving in that direction!  Other peoples opinions about your life matter NONE!  Their opinions wont affect your bank account, or anything else?   When you are ready for transformation get in touch! I would love to HELP You!