Motivation From The What If’s of LIFE

What If? We all have the Ifs of life and we all think we have a lot of time to accomplish our goals and dreams.  This is the illusion that we have all been under spell too.  It is very presumptuous to think that we have more time on this planet.  If we knew the hour that we would leave this world I can guarantee that you would spend your time completely differently.  You wouldn’t waste your time.  All the What Ifs in your life have led your to where you are right now.  One day your window will be closed.  One day you could have had a completely different life,  but you are going to have to change alot of things that are currently happening in your current state.  What if I had more time?  Too Late! Games over!  What if you took a shot and you impacted people along the way? If you continue to argue for your limitations they will surely become yours!  Have you started believing the opinions of others in regards to your dreams. You cant keep just living life with good intentions, you are going to have to take action.  You cant beat me unless I quit, what about you? Time is running out?  What is your gift?  Are you using that today, or are you frustrated?  Get moving!!!!   Lets have a conversation!