Motivation From Having Vision and Purpose

We went to a marriage conference at church and it was amazing!  He talked about alot of very interesting things in regards to marriage, and parenting to give us tools to navigate as a family that follows God.  We all need a vision in this life, or we are going to parish.   My vision for this podcast has ignited a new energy in my life.  90% of podcasts don’t make it past 2 episodes, and out of the 1.8 million those don’t make it past episode 20.  So, there is a huge opportunity for you to create a virtual stage for yourself and share your message to plant a seed all around the globe in order to help member of your tribe. You will need start building the foundation of your dreams, and dial in the expectation of the result you are seeking. You will need to find your voice, and continually keep talking to a younger version of yourself. Life is too short to continue to settle!  Do you have the courage to go for your dream?  Lets have a conversation!