Inspiration From A Testimony

I heard a testimony at Celebrate Recovery the other night.  I realized that I cant really relate to people in this life who have had their world rocked with some sort of trauma or tragedy and overcame. Why is it that we always hold onto the negative things in this life?  Its easy to be happy for a moment, but JOY is what we are truly seeking.  We don’t easily forget the pain that was caused to us in this life.  Fear often keeps the truth locked away?  What are you afraid of?  Are you worried about what your friends are gonna say?  When are you going to stop living your life on the opinions of other people. When is the last time you sat around and just thought about all the accomplishments you have done in this life. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change, I promise!   Sometimes we get to a place in our life where God is the only option, and I would wish that upon anyone, but perhaps it could be the very thing to save your life.  When you are ready for transformation on this journey, lets have a conversation!