Inspiration From The Desired Outcome

What are your desired outcomes?  Trying is irrelevant when the outcome matters!  What are you trying to achieve?  The outcome matters and  you must get going to fulfill your purpose here on this planet.  I knew I had to take action to get this message out to the world. When you realize that their is a person inside of you who is you that is preventing you from becoming the person you want to become, and that will eventually lead you to stay in default mode and not even get out of the starting gate. When you realize what your purpose is on this earth you will begin to understand how much time you have actually been wasting on someone else’s dream.  Take the time to build your dream on a solid foundation.  What outcome do you want?  Do you want to be on your deathbed with a bunch of regret!   If you don’t set a deadline on something we will continue to push time and and never reach the goal we have set for ourselves. Taking action cures all fear in regards to gaining momentum.  Lets take a shot!!!  I would love to help you get what you want!