Motivation From Why People Buy

I was listening to Simon Sinek the other day at the gym and he said something that really resonated with me and my message, and I hope this will prompt you to start taking some sort of action in regards to your goals and dreams.  He stated that most consumers don’t buy what you do, they buy WHY you do it.  A light bulb went off instantly in my mind and this was a constant reminder for me to focus on my WHY when things seem like they are stagnant and the desired results are not happening.  There have been many trials since starting this podcast journey and many of these things would have taken most people out of the game.  I lost my father in April of 2023 just about 7 months into my journey of sharing my message and finding my voice in hopes to inspire and encourage others to pursue their dreams with relentless ambition!  I continued to show and and record through the pain because I realized that his podcast isn’t about me at all.  When you realize that you are called and you have your purpose dialed in to make an impact in other peoples lives the motivation for progress is paramount.  God gave me this message and has equipped me with the gift of exhortation and I constantly remind myself of this daily when limiting beliefs start to try and creep in.  What about you?  Do you feel like you are not aligned with your purpose, do you feel like you are just going through the motions and realize that your cup is half empty?  Lets have a conversation so you can start to gain some clarity and start to get some momentum in regards to you taking care of you and making YOU a priority!
