Inspiration From The Illusion of Your Reality

You don’t have to like what it looks like, to appreciate the change its creating!  Sometimes we will go through things in our life that model this exact statement.  Nobody likes going through the fire!  Going through hard times is shaping you and creating a pathway for you to help others with your  story and the lessons you have learned along the way. When you realize that some storms come into your life to strip away all the things that are not going to serve you in the future. The narrow path is very lonely.  If you have a purpose and calling in your life, you will not want to be around surface level conversations and stuff any longer.  I don’t have time any longer in my life to have meaningless conversations. What needs to be stripped away out of your life that will get you closer to your goals.  You cant move forward looking backwards.  How are you managing your hurt, habit, or hang-up in life? Are you even seeking help in the areas of your life?  We are called to be servants, and our primary response for being here is to serve other people.  You should have a servants heart in all of your affairs.  When you feel stuck, go serve!  Most people are walking around in a fog due to the implications of the dopamine affect in their life.   You must not conform to anyone else’s dream or purpose!  When you are ready for some accountability, lets have a conversation!
