Motivation From Memories Over Money

I talk about July 4th, and how my kids have deemed this day my 2nd Birthday! I love love love Fireworks!  I am all about making memories in this  life because that is all we really have at the end of the day!  No material things really hold any significance in this life.   Most people are chasing money, houses, and stuff!  We cant take any of that stuff with us when we leave.  My kids wont ever forget this day when they get older.  I am all about giving people an experience, and that is very special.  People always remember how you make them feel.  You can make them feel a certain way with you words, with you art.  How are you making people feel today?  What are some of the special memories you are holding onto! I heard something about the treasure principle at life group the other day, and it talks about the kingdom of heaven being a treasure in the field.  We are trying to impress a bunch of people in this life that we don’t even know.   Worldly possessions do not matter!  I encourage you to start making memories with those that you care about because one of these days they wont be here.  Ready to start making some memories on your dream journey?  Lets have a conversation!