Define Your Why, Defy Your Default

Define your WHY, Defy Your Default! You don’t need a studio, and all this fancy equipment, you just need a message and  some courage!   Starting a podcast and sharing a message because you can now be the person you always wanted to be! Everyone on the planet desires to be heard and understood! You need to define your WHY in life and that is going to serve you as you feel like giving up!  Are you passionate about something in this life?   Do you feel like you want to share that with someone who just gets it?  Podcasting is all about self discovery and growth, and transformation!  We have been conditioned and lied to about how to live out life! I will always remember having dinner as a kid, and this is a big part of my WHY!  My Father would always complain about work, and bosses, and affluent people.  Subconsciously I never really knew what this kick was to work for myself and become financially independent.  One of these days you will share your last day with someone?  You can make a difference right now to impact someone’s life!  Don’t let yourself settle and go back to default!  The harvest will come if you continue to sow!  As long as you dont give up, you have to win!  Dont give up! Get around people with big dreams and visions who can support you! Need and guide?  Lets have a conversation!