Inspiration From Making The Right Decison

Its official, kids are back in school and the next chapter is now upon us! We just got back from the beach and recharged the batteries one last time before the chaos of school starts back.   I had some profound conversations with my buddy Brian about decisions, and what that means for our lives.  He had an interesting take on this.  He stated that every decision we make leads us to where we are at present!  Every decision we make could completely change every aspect of our lives. When you realize that making a decision can change everything in your life you need to be ready!  You cannot afford to be indecisive in regards to your dreams!  Follow through with your process until you get the result you are seeking!  When you do anything for more than 10K hrs you are considered a master at your craft.  You need to put yourself out there and push yourself to get to the next level! You must make a decision and take action!  Do the hard thing now, so you can do things easy later on in life!  When you realize that you want to live a life of purpose and significance you are now doing better than most people on the planet! When you realize that you need to be held accountable for your goals you have now arrived!  Its difficult to hold ourselves accountable!  When you are ready to take action, and be held accountable! Lets talk!