Inspiration From A Labor of Love

It’s labor day here in America, and you might be wondering why I am here talking and encouraging you!  This podcasting journey is absolutely a labor of love for me, and it can be that way for you as well! You got to love doing what you are doing, or it just ain’t worth doing it! Period!  You will never know how different your life could be if you give up on your dreams!  When you realize that your life can be a blessing to so many people around the globe you start to gain the confidence that you are so desperately seeking!  Things are not going to change unless you change! I think of labor in regards to childbirth!  Its painful!  It takes time! Its gonna be painful! What’s the other option?  Settling!  Not a chance!  The only way you are gonna become free is to get out of your own way, and get out of the starting gate, and get some momentum in your life!  Regret weighs a TON!  When you realize that, then you can start to look into going for your dream!  I value freedom over security!   Do you have a vision for your life?  Without a vision, the bible says people will parish! We are all going to die anyways, so why on earth would you not start to do the things that you were born to do!  When you are ready take a shot on your dream, and share your message all around the world!  Lets connect!!

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