You don’t have to like what it looks like, to appreciate the change its creating! Sometimes we will go through things in our life that model this exact statement. Nobody likes going through the fire! Going through hard times is shaping you and creating a pathway for you to help others with your story and… Continue reading Inspiration From The Illusion of Your Reality
Author: sean.thespacebetween
Inspiration From Making an Impact
I finally had my ice breaker speech at toastmasters, and it was an awesome experience. The members were totally beside themselves in regards to my message and my ability to share in a public setting. The theme for the day was determination and the word of the day was IMPACT. I was jacked up to… Continue reading Inspiration From Making an Impact
Motivation From Honoring Patience
Pastor was preaching on Patience this past Sunday and I couldn’t help but think about the process in regards to pursuing your calling and what will be required of us along the way. Your patience level will have to match your ambition which are two completely opposite emotional states. Do you like waiting in line… Continue reading Motivation From Honoring Patience
Motivation From Embracing The Difference
I heard a sermon this past Sunday in regards to having a dream and vision. Its not about your position, its about your purpose. Having a dream will make you bold and most people will never understand that, and that’s ok. You cannot allow those individuals to plant negative seeds of doubt into you as… Continue reading Motivation From Embracing The Difference
Motivation From What You Are Seeking
I heard a story about two kids playing hide and seek and one of the little boys had lost a very expensive microphone in the process of the game. The boy was reluctant to go home and tell his Father that he had lost the microphone because he was scared of the consequences that were… Continue reading Motivation From What You Are Seeking
Motivation From Why People Buy
I was listening to Simon Sinek the other day at the gym and he said something that really resonated with me and my message, and I hope this will prompt you to start taking some sort of action in regards to your goals and dreams. He stated that most consumers don’t buy what you do,… Continue reading Motivation From Why People Buy
Inspiration From Not Having Purpose
A life absent without a dream is lacking purpose and hope! Are you living a purpose driven life? If not, why not? Are you even aware of what your calling is in this life? What is something you can do that you are really good at that comes really easy for you that you could… Continue reading Inspiration From Not Having Purpose
Inspiration From The Things That Matter
I talk about intentionality in regards to your life! When you realize that you will need to be intentional with everything you do, and before you know you will be so off track and return to default almost immediately. When you understand that you have a message to share, and a lesson to teach and… Continue reading Inspiration From The Things That Matter
Inspiration From Having A Vision
I discuss having a vision and seeing into the future in regards to going for your dreams. You need to see into the future to determine what you need to do today in order to start moving in that direction. Set the target, and relentlessly pursue that target and eventually you will arrive somewhere, and… Continue reading Inspiration From Having A Vision
Conquering Imposter Syndrome with Trey Sanders
I interview Golf Coach and Real Estate Agent Trey Sander from Las Vegas. Trey and I connected on Linked in had a conversation and I decided to get him on the show to hear some of his story discuss imposter syndrome in his life and how he has been able to navigate that territory! Enjoy… Continue reading Conquering Imposter Syndrome with Trey Sanders