I discuss a video I witnessed of a kid putting together a millennium falcon Lego project. Its funny to me how the finished product is on the box and the kid dumped out thousands of pieces of the finished product on the floor. I noticed that the kid had changed clothes several times through the… Continue reading Purpose From The Puzzle of Life
Author: sean.thespacebetween
Elizabeth Meigs Interview – From Near Death To Inspiring The World
Elizabeth Meigs is an overcomer and a fighter, who knows her purpose is to inspire, provide hope and encourage those who are going through the toughest challenge of their lives, to not give up. Elizabeth understands what it’s like to go through challenges. She was born and raised in a small rural town in Southeast… Continue reading Elizabeth Meigs Interview – From Near Death To Inspiring The World
Passion From Battling Your Inner Demons
I talk about the battle that goes on in our minds with our inner demons. Demons never really go away, and that’s why they are called Demons! There are some people that you will need to not associate with in this life when you are going for your dreams. Are you aware of the people… Continue reading Passion From Battling Your Inner Demons
Motivation From Returning To Default
Your Default doesn’t have to determine your Destiny! Most people will shoot themselves in the foot before they get out of the starting gate to pursue their dreams. Your purpose in life is not to stay stuck in a job that makes you miserable. 180,000 people didn’t wake up today! One day you wont wake… Continue reading Motivation From Returning To Default
Inspiration From Finding Absence In The Answer
What kind of answer are you waiting for in your life today? How is your attitude in regards to waiting for this answer. We are living in a society where we don’t have to delay any sort of gratification for anything. Sometimes we need to see the situation for what it is, and not how… Continue reading Inspiration From Finding Absence In The Answer
Motivation From Accepting The Challenge
I talk about a Challenge that was presented to me by one of my Podcast Mastermind members Ellen Kimball of The Balanced Life Podcast. We challenged each other with writing and give a 5-7 minute speech for me to practice my skills. When you are being held accountable for anything you will absolutely surprise yourself. … Continue reading Motivation From Accepting The Challenge
Motivation From Almost Missing The Rainbow
I almost missed a rainbow the other morning because left my lights on and had to turn around and shut them off. When I turned around I saw the most profound Rainbow right in front of me. We all have so many thoughts we process on a daily basis as we are going about our… Continue reading Motivation From Almost Missing The Rainbow
Motivation From Attitude Adjustments
I had a conversation with a gentlemen who was in desperate need of an attitude adjustment. He told me that he couldn’t get away from the shame and guilt from when he was in his twenties. He was 43 years old! You cannot carry the shame and guilt around from your past and expect to… Continue reading Motivation From Attitude Adjustments
Passion From Identifying The Common Enemy
I talk about the common enemy for myself and 80% of the country! Corporate America! 20% of the country like what they do for a living. Profits over People seems to be the philosophy and there is no wonder why people are trying to escape using generic coping mechanisms when they leave that toxic environment. … Continue reading Passion From Identifying The Common Enemy
Purpose From Your Biggest Insecurities In Life
Today I talk about your deepest fear and how that is a clue to your assignment here in this life. The thing you are afraid of is a clue to what you should be doing in this life. I used to be a really shy kid, and could never approach anyone back in the day. … Continue reading Purpose From Your Biggest Insecurities In Life