I talk about an interview I heard a few months back about a lady named Jamie Lee Ward. She was a very successful multi level marketer and passed just recently from stage 4 cancer. She tried the holistic approach to her healing and was refusing chemotherapy. She was still plowing through her life full speed… Continue reading Inspiration From What Your Loved Ones Leave Behind
Author: sean.thespacebetween
Inspiration From People Not Accepting What They Can’t Understand
People cannot accept what they don’t understand. When you start talking about your dreams and your purpose for being here you frighten them. You need to distance yourself from individuals who are speaking negative seeds into your vision. It wont be easy, but its not about being easy, its about the necessity of surrounding yourself… Continue reading Inspiration From People Not Accepting What They Can’t Understand
Inspiration From Who You Choose To Be
Why did I start this podcast? Why do YOU want to launch your podcast and share your story to the world? Who do you need to become in order to do this? Who do you choose to be in order for this to happen. I talk about my alter EGO when recording these episodes. My… Continue reading Inspiration From Who You Choose To Be
Inspiration From Watching The Movie U People
I talk about watching the movie U People with Jonah Hill, and Eddie Murphy. Jonah was a white Jewish guy and fell in love with Muslim woman who was Eddie Murphy’s daughter! I didn’t know what to expect from the movie but Jonah’s character left his broker firm to start podcasting. The one thing I… Continue reading Inspiration From Watching The Movie U People
Purpose From Almost Losing My Dog
I talk about the emotional roller coaster that my family has been on in regards to our dog and family member Waylon has been going through. He has been having a lot of seizures and has been in the ICU for the last few days. If you have any animal in your life you know… Continue reading Purpose From Almost Losing My Dog
Inspiration From When You Are Feeling Down and Out
Talk about my animal kind of turning the corner from having a bunch of seizures. I have a rule in life, and the rule is you don’t mess with animals, kids, and the elderly. Everyone else can fend from themselves. I talk about my dog and fighting the emotions I have been going through in… Continue reading Inspiration From When You Are Feeling Down and Out
Motivation From Pump Up The Volume
I talk about watching the movie Pump Up The Volume with Christion Slater. He had a story to share, and a lesson to teach and wasn’t scared to talk about what was going on in his life and share that with the world. The only thing stopping you from pursuing your dreams is what you… Continue reading Motivation From Pump Up The Volume
Inspirations From The Seasons Changing
I talk about the seasons changing and how their is an in between space before the new season arrives, and we call it False Fall here in North Carolina. Its the in between space is where the growth starts to take place, and sometime you don’t know have to approach or attack it. When you… Continue reading Inspirations From The Seasons Changing
Motivation From The Pain Of Moving Forward
I had a conversation with a friend of mine by the name of Rich! He is frustrated with his job, and wants to start his business back up. He knows what he needs to do, but won’t get going? What about you? Are you currently living a life with a FIRE inside of you? Foresight,… Continue reading Motivation From The Pain Of Moving Forward
Motivation From Taking A Memory Pill
I had a conversation with a retired professor who taught therapists how to counsel. She told me they had an exercise where they would ask patients if they could take a memory pill that would erase everything would they take it? Would you? She told me that everyone of them said NO because the memories… Continue reading Motivation From Taking A Memory Pill