During a study at Harvard in 1957, Dr. Curt Richter placed rats in a pool of water to test how long they could tread water. On average they’d give up, sink and drown after 15 minutes. But right before they gave up due to exhaustion, the researchers would pluck them out, dry them off, let… Continue reading Inspiration From When You Want To Give Up
Author: sean.thespacebetween
Inspiration From Giving Yourself Grace
I had a conversation with a lifelong friend and we had the most profound interaction in regards to giving ourselves grace. We have both had some similar struggles he reminded me how much of am impact I am trying to make in this world. He reminded me that we all need to have a release,… Continue reading Inspiration From Giving Yourself Grace
Inspiration From Being Different
Wanted to share some insights in regards to what it is like to have a collaboration with my podcast mastermind group! Apparently there is connotation for being in the void which is a negative. We have always been instructed by our Coach Sam Crowley to be different and not do what everyone else is doing. … Continue reading Inspiration From Being Different
Inspiration From Things That Do Not Matter
Three questions are always going on in the back of our mind. What does it matter? What does it mean? What shall I choose? These questions will drive us for our entire life and when you realize that you can start make some different decisions in our life! You can choose your distractions! When you… Continue reading Inspiration From Things That Do Not Matter
Inspiration From When You Are Feeling Down and Out
What do you do when you are feeling down and out? I talk about my animal kind of coming back to life and turning the corner just a bit. I have a rule in this life, animals, kids, and old people you just don’t mess with them! Everyone else can fend for themselves. There are… Continue reading Inspiration From When You Are Feeling Down and Out
Inspiration From Healthy Reflections
About a year ago I went put my car title up for cash and hired my podcasting coach for 10K. I know, crazy right! We underestimate the power of healthy reflection. We just keep going and going and going without taking time to see how far we have actually come! What kind of seeds are… Continue reading Inspiration From Healthy Reflections
Motivation From Walking Through The Fire
I ran into a guy by the name of Jacob and we had the most profound conversation and he gave me a verse from Isaiah 43 v 2 which says this. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.… Continue reading Motivation From Walking Through The Fire
Purpose From Being A Hope Dealer
What is the weakest link in your life? What is holding you back from pursuing your dreams? What are you allowing to distract you from your becoming your best self? Is it your mindset? What is it? What things are keeping you in bondage currently? When you become aware of the weakest link, break it… Continue reading Purpose From Being A Hope Dealer
Motivation From Just Being A Memory
I saw a post the other day and it stated to think about 100 years from now when we are all gone, we will just be a picture in a frame and maybe a distant memory. All the things we think we need in this life are irrelevant. How are you spending your time today? … Continue reading Motivation From Just Being A Memory
Passion From Filling The Void
I talk about filling the VOID in your life! Value is the first word that comes to mind in this acronym. How do you feel about you? Opportunity is the next letter and I think of this as the obstacle IS the way. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to pursue your goals? … Continue reading Passion From Filling The Void