Talk about my animal kind of turning the corner from having a bunch of seizures. I have a rule in life, and the rule is you don’t mess with animals, kids, and the elderly. Everyone else can fend from themselves. I talk about my dog and fighting the emotions I have been going through in… Continue reading Inspiration From When You Are Feeling Down and Out
Author: sean.thespacebetween
Motivation From Pump Up The Volume
I talk about watching the movie Pump Up The Volume with Christion Slater. He had a story to share, and a lesson to teach and wasn’t scared to talk about what was going on in his life and share that with the world. The only thing stopping you from pursuing your dreams is what you… Continue reading Motivation From Pump Up The Volume
Inspirations From The Seasons Changing
I talk about the seasons changing and how their is an in between space before the new season arrives, and we call it False Fall here in North Carolina. Its the in between space is where the growth starts to take place, and sometime you don’t know have to approach or attack it. When you… Continue reading Inspirations From The Seasons Changing
Motivation From The Pain Of Moving Forward
I had a conversation with a friend of mine by the name of Rich! He is frustrated with his job, and wants to start his business back up. He knows what he needs to do, but won’t get going? What about you? Are you currently living a life with a FIRE inside of you? Foresight,… Continue reading Motivation From The Pain Of Moving Forward
Motivation From Taking A Memory Pill
I had a conversation with a retired professor who taught therapists how to counsel. She told me they had an exercise where they would ask patients if they could take a memory pill that would erase everything would they take it? Would you? She told me that everyone of them said NO because the memories… Continue reading Motivation From Taking A Memory Pill
Breakthroughs and Bubbles
Sometimes we need to isolate ourselves in a bubble in order for our dreams to come to fruition. Most break throughs come while you are in isolation because you don’t have anyone around you distracting you as you start your journey. If God has put something in your heart, don’t hesitate for a second! You… Continue reading Breakthroughs and Bubbles
Purpose Lessons From Joining Toastmasters
I talk about joining a local Toastmasters here in my area. I have never been and it was such a wonderful experience! Speaking in public is one of the biggest fears that most people have outside of dying! I went on 9 11 2023, and ended up running into a guy from my life group… Continue reading Purpose Lessons From Joining Toastmasters
Inspiration From Being Committed To The Process
When you are going for your dream you must remain committed to the process even when you are not seeing a result. Most people equate success to a monetary outcome. If you are podcasting you must realize that most people who start a podcast give up after 3 episodes. So, with that being said I… Continue reading Inspiration From Being Committed To The Process
Inspiration From Finding The Formula For Happiness
What is the formula for Happiness? If I Had Blank????? The if I had syndrome? If I had a bigger house, if I had a better car, if I had more money? If I had will only leave you feeling empty and incomplete. Do you not think that there were plenty of people who left… Continue reading Inspiration From Finding The Formula For Happiness
Inspiration From A Conversation About Lung Cancer
I had a conversation with a young lady who was a retired professor who instructed people to become clinical therapists. She told me a story about her mom and dad travelling to Yellowstone when they were in their prime and the pictures they took while on the excursion. Ironically enough she went on a trip… Continue reading Inspiration From A Conversation About Lung Cancer