Your Reasons Are Good Enough

How long are you willing to delay gratification in regards to achieving your dreams?  You wanting to pursue your dreams is enough of a reason to get going.  Watch what happens when you start sharing your big dreams with anyone!  I used to listen to other peoples opinions in regards to how I should choose… Continue reading Your Reasons Are Good Enough

Don’t Let It Define You

I heard something from Rick Warren is a series called How to Get Through What you are going through!  He stated that we can let something Define us, Destroy, Develop you! I love that because most people let their past define who they are, their self worth etc.  Your past mistakes are not who you… Continue reading Don’t Let It Define You

When The Power Goes Out!

I talk about my power going out the other day.  How many time often than not have you given your power away to other people whom you let dictate how you choose to live your life in pursuit of your dreams. Get around people who are gonna charge you up, and not drain you in… Continue reading When The Power Goes Out!

The Fragility of Life!

I talk about my dog having some sort of seizure here at the house just a day or so ago.  It was a very scary moment for me and my wife as we watched him gasp for breath and go limp not knowing what was going on.  I took him to the emergency vet, and… Continue reading The Fragility of Life!

Be Willing To Take A Loss!

There no life on this planet with Change, no change without loss, and no loss without pain. Every person is built for growth and change.  Is the pain of moving forward greater or less than the pain of staying where you are at present?  Which one is it?   I’m giving you permission to play big… Continue reading Be Willing To Take A Loss!

Be Willing To Take A Loss

There no life on this planet with Change, no change without loss, and no loss without pain. Every person is built for growth and change.  Is the pain of moving forward greater or less than the pain of staying where you are at present?  Which one is it?   I’m giving you permission to play big… Continue reading Be Willing To Take A Loss