I hear a testimony at our life group by a guy by the name of Rob Davis. He talked about power, purpose, perseverance, and all the adversity that was coming at his family. He wanted out, and was losing HOPE. He showed us a diagram that had a straight line down and a zig zag… Continue reading Friction and Momentum
Author: sean.thespacebetween
Build A Solid Foundation Today
How is your foundation in this looking? Will your foundation of life stand up when adversity strikes. You gotta get moving in this life. Time is running out and you must seek your purpose. What is holding you back at this moment in your life. Is it the person in the mirror? Are you tired… Continue reading Build A Solid Foundation Today
Inspiration From Daughters Worry
My oldest daughter got asked to take a test for the gifted program and she was working herself up and worrying like crazy. I went on to tell her that most things we worry about in this world will never come to pass. I encouraged her to do her best, and how her feelings are… Continue reading Inspiration From Daughters Worry
Build Things That Last Today
What are you building in this life? Are you building a movement? My kids will always be able to hear my voice, and this podcast will live on long after I’m gone. What are you building in your life? Are you building your dreams? Are you telling yourself that you cant achieve your goals or… Continue reading Build Things That Last Today
Step Into Your Greatness Today!
Are you struggling today with something? Are you doing the same thing everyday expecting a different result. That is the definition of insanity. Until you make a decision to change things are going to look the same as they are right now until the rest of your life. If you want your external world to… Continue reading Step Into Your Greatness Today!
Inspiration From Fathers Day 2023
I talk about all the mixed emotions I had in regards to the first Fathers Day without my Dad. His grave was just a mound of dirt with grass now starting to grow on top of it, and I instantly thought of growing after seeing that grass growing. You must meet your emotions head on… Continue reading Inspiration From Fathers Day 2023
The Void Within
I talk about what a Void Specialist even is. My mentor told me that generalists get paid, and specialists get wealthy. We are all born with a void in our heart until we ask Jesus into our heart and allow the holy spirit residence in our heart. As men we are told by society to… Continue reading The Void Within
Tend To Your Garden Today!
I got a message the other day from a friend of mine who started a community garden to give some good eats to people who may not necessarily have the option to have quality food. If we listen to the garden and tend to it, it will show us and teach just like life, how… Continue reading Tend To Your Garden Today!
From Hopelessness to Hope!
Nothing produces hopelessness more than rejection. Most people want even pursue their dreams because they are scared of what other people are going to say about it. Most will often reject you because they will never have the courage to even attempt. You should not hesitate for one second. If God has put something in… Continue reading From Hopelessness to Hope!
Free Will Has Consequences!
You can create the life you want even from your suffering. I think we all try to fit in with a certain tribe just to be accepted. Music was a great outlet for me and I could create something emotional for what I was feeling in my suffering and create an emotional experience for someone… Continue reading Free Will Has Consequences!