Friction and Momentum

I hear a testimony at our life group by a guy by the name of Rob Davis.  He talked about power, purpose, perseverance, and all the adversity that was coming at his family.  He wanted out, and was losing HOPE. He showed us a diagram that had a straight line down and a zig zag… Continue reading Friction and Momentum

The Void Within

I talk about what a Void Specialist even is. My mentor told me that generalists get paid, and specialists get wealthy. We are all born with a void in our heart until we ask Jesus into our heart and allow the holy spirit residence in our heart.  As men we are told by society to… Continue reading The Void Within

From Hopelessness to Hope!

Nothing produces hopelessness more than rejection.  Most people want even pursue their dreams because they are scared of what other people are going to say about it. Most will often reject you because they will never have the courage to even attempt. You should not hesitate for one second. If God has put something in… Continue reading From Hopelessness to Hope!