My first speaking gig approaches by way of my Church for a Bible Study I went through called Every Man A Warrior. The first book is geared toward getting men to open up about the struggles we all face in this world, and how we can share, and hold each other accountable in our walk… Continue reading First Speaking Gig
Author: sean.thespacebetween
What Are You Becoming Today?
What are you becoming today? If you are working at a job take a look around and start asking yourself some serious questions. If you dont like what you see when you look up that corporate ladder, then you need to start making an exit strategy so you can become the best version of yourself.… Continue reading What Are You Becoming Today?
Procrastination Kills Dreams
Why do we put our dreams on a shelf and not take action to achieve them? Not making a decision to pursue your dreams is still making a decision. Most people don’t even get out of the starting gate because they are afraid of what other people will think about them when they go for… Continue reading Procrastination Kills Dreams
Are You The One Who Can Change It All?
Did you know that you can Be The One! You can be the person who changes every generational curse in your family. You can change the way your family thinks. Our entire life is nothing but memories and stories that we have acquired up until this point. Unfortunately we tell ourselves the stories of our… Continue reading Are You The One Who Can Change It All?
Competence Leads To Confidence
Competence Leads to Confidence. I wish I would have heard this when I was in school. When we as humans start doing anything we are not going to be good at this thing we are doing. As we become competent in the basics, we are gaining confidence through that process. As we get to the… Continue reading Competence Leads To Confidence
Stop Looking For Support
I had a conversation with a close friend from my inner circle. He told me that I was making a difference in his life and a few others that we know. He told me that they were starting to look at life through a different lens. Most people wont understand your dream, and you wanting… Continue reading Stop Looking For Support
Keep Your Eyes On The Horizon
I talk about the analogy of becoming sea sick on a boat, and where your focus should be in order not to get sick. If our dream is on the horizon, and life is swirling all around us we must stay focused and connected to our vision. Start asking yourself some questions with everything you… Continue reading Keep Your Eyes On The Horizon
Be Inspired Through Tragedy
I touch base again in regards to how when tragedy strikes it gives us a sense of urgency to our life as we realize that our life is so fleeting and but a breath. It took a tragedy happening to me to realize how off track I was in my walk with God. We all… Continue reading Be Inspired Through Tragedy
Persistence Pays Off Today
Persistence gets the snail on the ark! It isn’t how fast you move, but as long as you are moving forward in regards to your dreams you will eventually arrive toward your destination. Most people are not doing what they want to do with their life. We need to find out what our spiritual gifts… Continue reading Persistence Pays Off Today
God Has A Plan For Your Life
I meet a young lady the other day and she asked me was I always like this because I was so upbeat and positive. She asked me what I had for breakfast and I told her a big dose of God, and Jesus. She pulled me aside and continued to tell me that God has… Continue reading God Has A Plan For Your Life