What are your desired outcomes? Trying is irrelevant when the outcome matters! What are you trying to achieve? The outcome matters and you must get going to fulfill your purpose here on this planet. I knew I had to take action to get this message out to the world. When you realize that their is… Continue reading Inspiration From The Desired Outcome
Category: Uncategorized
Inspiration From A Testimony
I heard a testimony at Celebrate Recovery the other night. I realized that I cant really relate to people in this life who have had their world rocked with some sort of trauma or tragedy and overcame. Why is it that we always hold onto the negative things in this life? Its easy to be… Continue reading Inspiration From A Testimony
Motivation From Facing What You Have Been Avoiding
Its time to face the one thing in your life that you have avoided most of your life! That could look different for each person! Moving through your fears will give you confidence to continue to press forward. Everybody is the hero in their own life, and their is also a villain who is… Continue reading Motivation From Facing What You Have Been Avoiding
Motivation From Taking A Stand
One of these days you are gonna have to take A Stand on your journey! You will need to take a stand to the one thing you are afraid of in this life. When something starts pulling on your heart strings you cant afford to ignore that. Most people wont stand for anything in this… Continue reading Motivation From Taking A Stand
Inspiration From Your Lifeline
We had our mastermind call the other day and one of our newest members James Parker sparked a lot of good ideas for this episode! Big congrats to James for getting his podcast live and sharing a message about how men can grow closer to God! Journey, Lifeline, and Joy is what he mentioned. If… Continue reading Inspiration From Your Lifeline
Motivation From Your Agenda
Whose agenda are you committed to today? Most people are working for someone else’s dream and they are frustrated because they are continually having to ask permission to live their life. When you realize you have a calling on your life, you must not hesitate when the call comes. What are you committed to today? … Continue reading Motivation From Your Agenda
Motivation From Having Vision and Purpose
We went to a marriage conference at church and it was amazing! He talked about alot of very interesting things in regards to marriage, and parenting to give us tools to navigate as a family that follows God. We all need a vision in this life, or we are going to parish. My vision for… Continue reading Motivation From Having Vision and Purpose
Inspiration From Not Staying Stuck
How many of you guys have ever been stuck? You are never gonna be stuck unless you stop moving and pressing forward! Most people become complacent in life and wonder why they are frustrated? As human beings we cannot afford to be stuck or trapped! You have an option! What is your purpose and passion… Continue reading Inspiration From Not Staying Stuck
Motivation From The What If’s of LIFE
What If? We all have the Ifs of life and we all think we have a lot of time to accomplish our goals and dreams. This is the illusion that we have all been under spell too. It is very presumptuous to think that we have more time on this planet. If we knew the… Continue reading Motivation From The What If’s of LIFE
Inspiration From Mr. Rogers
Watched a documentary on Fred Rogers and he said he wanted to help children through the modulations of life! How many times have we let the false narrative of our abilities stop us from even trying for our dreams and goals? How many relationships, and opportunities have you missed because you didn’t have the confidence… Continue reading Inspiration From Mr. Rogers