I talk about a session with my therapist. We discuss how David would number his army and how that was his benchmark and he has something he could measure. A lot of people are seeking validation from the goal and target that they set for their life. It’s not about the arrival, but its about… Continue reading Purpose From Labeling Your Arrival
Category: Uncategorized
Purpose From Stepping Up To The Plate
Step up the Plate of Life and make your dreams a reality! Are you calling your shots in life, or are you settling? Are you even gonna step up to the plate or will you remain in the batters cage watching everyone else step up and take a swing. What’s the worst thing that can… Continue reading Purpose From Stepping Up To The Plate
Motivation From Thinking
I talk about some teachers that really made a difference in my life. There was one teacher by the name of Mr. Sanders who always had the word “Think” on his board and would always try and get us to do just that. Thinking is hard, and most people don’t want to do it? You… Continue reading Motivation From Thinking
Inspiration From Daughters Devotional
Giving a shout out to all the new members In The Space Between Facebook group. I talk about a Devotional my oldest daughter read that was a stark reminder of this podcast journey. Sometimes God puts a desire inside of us to help someone or do something so big and so strong we cant think… Continue reading Inspiration From Daughters Devotional
Inspiration From Pressure Washing
I was pressure washing my driveway and started thinking about all the pressures that we face on a daily basis. We often put a lot of pressure on ourselves to live our best life. Knowing your craft can take all the pressure away when you are trying to do the thing. It’s much better to… Continue reading Inspiration From Pressure Washing
Purpose From A Life Worth Living
Are you living a life worth living? 8 out of 10 people are not! What are you willing to sacrifice to live the life you want to live? Are you willing to sacrifice 30 minutes a week to share your story to the world? You are the hero and God only made one you, and… Continue reading Purpose From A Life Worth Living
Motivation From Scoffers
We have been talking about Scoffers in revelation recently in Life Group. A scoffer is someone who is wanting to prevent you from doing something unconventional on this planet. When people closets to you are giving you a bunch of flack for having big ideas, and big dreams, they are simply projecting there own beliefs… Continue reading Motivation From Scoffers
Your Reasons Are Good Enough
How long are you willing to delay gratification in regards to achieving your dreams? You wanting to pursue your dreams is enough of a reason to get going. Watch what happens when you start sharing your big dreams with anyone! I used to listen to other peoples opinions in regards to how I should choose… Continue reading Your Reasons Are Good Enough
Don’t Let It Define You
I heard something from Rick Warren is a series called How to Get Through What you are going through! He stated that we can let something Define us, Destroy, Develop you! I love that because most people let their past define who they are, their self worth etc. Your past mistakes are not who you… Continue reading Don’t Let It Define You
Inspiration from Flying A Kite
A friend of mine posted something the other day about something she witnessed sitting on the 13th floor of a balcony at the beach. There was a guy trying to fly and kite and he was having a ton of trouble getting it into the air. Person after person kept walking by without offering assistance… Continue reading Inspiration from Flying A Kite