Control Your Time Today!

We need to be a better controller of our time!  How are you spending your time, and what are you doing to give yourself a chance to play big in this life. Most jobs are set up for low performance output.  You are not even tapping into your best self by subjecting yourself to an environment that is preventing that?  We should be growing in every season, and when you stop growing you will not be fulfilled.  I have a different perspective in regards to life since my father passing.  My sense of urgency is through the roof at this point in my life, but my patience needs to match this sense of urgency as I gain clarity in my messaging.  The world is waiting to hear from you, what are you waiting for?  My mentor had someone reach out to him who was in prison for 4 years, and he told him that his podcast saved him in his darkest days in prison.  If that’s the only thing that happened with you sharing your story then you have already won. You cant put a price tag on saving someone’s life and giving them hope!  Speak life into people today!
