Could You Live With Yourself?

Could you live with yourself in you didn’t pursue your dreams?  Are you gonna be ok taking your message to the grave with you? What happens if you take a shot?  The biggest word in the world is IF! It takes one decision for you to make your mind up and get moving. When you tell yourself that you are gonna do something, internally something changes within you that gets you in motion.  Do you have goals set to get yourself to your destination? Most people will give a job 30 of their best years, but wont give their dreams 5 years.  You need to have a purpose and passion behind your mission! What are you passionate about?  Let your message out so you can become free!  You can be free by using the power of your voice.  The closer I get to becoming to the new version of me, the old version of me starts to try and take over because my brain is trying to protect me.  When you are ready to defy your default, lets have a conversation!