Friction and Momentum

I hear a testimony at our life group by a guy by the name of Rob Davis.  He talked about power, purpose, perseverance, and all the adversity that was coming at his family.  He wanted out, and was losing HOPE. He showed us a diagram that had a straight line down and a zig zag line.  The line with the zag would be faster due to the momentum that would be gained from the unconventional path.  He stated that sometimes God will use friction to give us momentum.  Sometimes the blessing will be disguised as a tragedy or traumatic experience. What are you doing to try and gain momentum today?  How are you taking action in regards to sharing your unique story?  Are you even aware that you have a story to share?  You will be met with extreme mockery and ridicule when you decide to step into the best version of yourself.  Do let the negative know it all going nowhere prevent you from having the life you desire.
