Inspiration All The Way From Dakota

I had a conversation with a member of the Every Day Is Saturday Community. This individual is actually spending time in prison!  He has sent me some audio’s in regards to his message and what he wants to share with the world.  We connected and had the most profound conversation.  Dakota talks a lot about discipline and that’s what his niche is.  He said something that really resonated with me. He said to Be the Source That You Seek! I thought this was absolutely brilliant!  His passion is so contagious. People who have been through something are very dangerous!  We must act with intention in regards to our dreams. Most people will never get out of the starting gate. Are you being the source that you seek in this life? Are you trying to pursue your dreams? You can have the life you want when you decide to get started? There will never be a quote unquote right time.  You just need to get going!  I know you have something inside of you that is calling you to do something big in this life! When you realize that the pain of moving forward is less than the pain of staying where you are at, you can then start to move that dream up the hill! We only have one shot to live on this planet.  Our time here is finite. Why would you not want to live up the the standards of the best version of yourself.  You will need to set up some healthy habits when you start on this journey.  You need to be very protective of your time in this pursuit. When you are ready to step out and share your story!



  1. “…I don’t have no idea when it’s gonna come for me, but guess what, It’s never gonna come if I stop.”

    Great episode Brother! So glad to have the opportunity to connect with you and vibe with you. Keep showing up, everyday, day after day. I believe the greatest offering we have for this world is us, at our best. Continue to be that Best version of yourself! I’m praying for you as well Bro, that God prosper you in everything you do. Peace ✌️

    Let me know when you want to link up again, I’m all for it!

    1. No doubt my brother! God has put us together for a reason, and I fully support you and your mission! Mondays and Fridays are good for me to talk. Just let me know which times work best for you on those days and we will connect! Love you


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