Inspiration From a Follower In the Middle of The Ocean

I talk about something profound that happened to me in the middle of the ocean while I was on vacation.  My wife noticed a man with a boogie board, and it looked like a professional grade product.   As I walked back into the ocean I saw the the man walking out and approached him and started to have a conversation.  His name is Will Donovan and him and his wife Cindy were there celebrating 31 years of marriage. He asked the same for me and I told him we had two daughters, and we were celebrating my oldest daughters birthday and we were returning from a cruise.  I then went on to tell him about my son who we gave up for adoption when I was in my twenties.  I told him that I was a mess back in those days and we wanted he had a much better chance at life with this option.  He then told me that he was a sinner, and that we were all messes back in the day, and when he said that it opened the door for some very profound sharing on both of our parts.  He put his hands on me and prayed for me in regards to this podcast and the ministry that lies within my message.  We caught up later on and continued to share how God has been a major part in both of our lives. This conversation was not  an accident, and It was a magical moment as he prayed for me as the ocean waves would crash against us as the sun was hitting our face and we were connecting with one another and God.  When you are ready for transformation, you can connect with me at anytime!
