Inspiration From Activating Your Faith

Faith and Hope are intertwined and they both need each other in this life.  What do you see when you look at people when you are out and about?  Do they look like they have Hope?  God has a plan and purpose for everyone on this planet.  Time is finite and it is running out every single day breath by breath.  We should walk by faith and not by sight.  We as human beings want to see the end result before we even decide to take a step.  When you realize that testing your faith requires us to take action into the unknown and that it wont be certain.  Most people are born original but end up dying a copy trying to be like somebody else on this planet.  Embrace yourself and all the things that are unique to you and your life!  There have been so many times in my life when things happen that I just couldn’t explain.   Its hard to take the next step when you cant see the finish line.  Thats whey I joined a mastermind group to be around people who have been further on their journey than I have.  You will need to set up boundaries in regards to going for your dream and watching who and what you are spending your time doing.  Activate your faith and step out and take a shot!  When you are ready to start your journey!  Reach out!
