Inspiration From Being The Product of Your Product

I talk today about being the product of your product! We had a coaching call awhile back and I was wondering what type of course, product, or problem i am solving.  My mentor told me that the product is me. I was like huh, me, really?  Interesting.  Today I am in the top 1% of podcasters, and you wouldn’t believe that to be in that spot you only have to put out 21 episodes.  Most people give up way to soon to see the blessing come.  You have got to understand that you need your podcast to be purpose driven before it can be profit driven.  How can you be a product of your product?  Perhaps coaching a younger version of yourself would be a good starting place. I am living proof that you can be the product too of yourself to help others through creating a virtual stage for yourself and sharing your story all around the world.  When you realize that you will need to set boundaries, and set some disciplines in your life to make this thing get live!  These last 19 months have tested my ability to pursue this dream.  I have lost my Father during this time, and life happens to all of us, but you must stay focused on your target! You will need to make a commitment to yourself, and hold yourself accountable to your mission and your dreams.  When you are ready to transform your life and get your message out!  Lets Talk!
