Inspiration From Daughters Devotional

Giving a shout out to all the new members In The Space Between Facebook group.  I talk about a Devotional my oldest daughter read that was a stark reminder of this podcast journey.

Sometimes God puts a desire inside of us to help someone or do something so big and so strong we cant think of anything else. Its his calling to us to do his important work in the world.

Has God put something in your heart like that? Pay attention to what it is. He’ll give you the power and wisdom to do it. It might not be this week, the month, or even this year, but watch to see how God will use you to make a positive difference.

You need to pay attention to something that has been placed on your heart.  Most people will ignore that feeling and end up taking that to the graveyard with them.

You need to separate  yourself people who have a lack mentality. The more lack a person has, the more judgement they are going to give you.  Every person essentially wants more but most people will never take a chance to pursue their passion here on this earth.

You fail doing what you dont want to do, so you might as well try doing something that you absolutely love to do!
