Inspiration From Every Man A Warrior Study

I talk about a study I went through with some Godly men and how it has impacted my life.  As men, we all struggle in this life with what the world says we should try to strive for in this life. Thinking with Purpose was the one lesson from the study that resonated with me the most. Most people are not intentional with their actions as they go about their day. Accountability is paramount in regards to going for  your dreams and goals. Success leaves clues, and you simply cant ignore it! Learn, and implement, then repeat!  Are you making decisions that are going to impact your life five years for now?  You must be willing to delay gratification when you start moving toward your purpose here in this life.  If God has put something in your heart, you must listen to it, and start moving towards it.  You are an absolute miracle, and have one the lottery ticket of life, its time to start acting like it! When you are ready to claim your stake here and get out of the starting gate, you can reach out anytime.
