Inspiration From Having A Vision

I discuss having a vision and seeing into the future in regards to going for your dreams.  You need to see into the future to determine what you need to do today in order to start moving in that direction. Set the target, and relentlessly pursue that target and eventually you will arrive somewhere, and it might not look like you thought it would look when you arrive.  When you realize that you need a guide to help keep you accountable, and check in with you to ensure that you do the necessary work to move down the continuum.  You cant see the picture when you are in the frame, and its paramount to have someone that can see your blind spots.  How are you looking in regards to the goals you have set for yourself?  When you have a purpose, and a target, you become very dangerous to most individuals. Time is of the essence, and you must get moving because tomorrow is not guaranteed!  When you understand WHY you are doing what you are doing the HOW will figure itself out!  When you are ready for some help to gain clarity, and some accountability, lets have a conversation!
