Inspiration From Making an Impact

I finally had my ice breaker speech at toastmasters, and it was an awesome experience.  The members were totally beside themselves in regards to my message and my ability to share in a public setting. The theme for the day was determination and the word of the day was IMPACT.  I was jacked up to say the least in regards to this experience.  How determined are you in regards to making an impact and pursuing your purpose in this life. Toastmasters is a great place for me to dial in my public speaking skills and get instant feedback in regards to my message.  I don’t know you but if you are listening to this podcast you have been through something in your life that can absolutely help someone else in this life.  Somebody out there is waiting to hear from you and your story.  Do you even know why you are doing what you are doing on a day to day basis?  You are going to work, and coming home, and watching tv and going to bed and that hamster wheel is getting worn the F out! You are not stuck unless you STOP!  Are you willing to get out of your comfort zone and start to build some momentum?  Lets have a conversation!
