Inspiration From People Not Accepting What They Can’t Understand

People cannot accept what they don’t understand.  When you start talking about your dreams and your purpose for being here you frighten them.  You need to distance yourself from individuals who are speaking negative seeds into your vision. It wont be easy, but its not about being easy, its about the necessity of surrounding yourself with people who share your vision and really get it.  You must not let these individuals stop you from pursuing your goals in your life. You need to remind yourself what kind of impact you are going to make in this world. You have to be willing to be vulnerable and share some of the things you have gone through. If God put something inside of your heart for you to do while you are here, he will allow it to come to pass. Done is the new PERFECT.  Most people never start their dreams because they are afraid of somebody else opinion about them going for their dreams. When you realize that you are built a little bit different, you will stop caring about the opinions of others along your journey.  Time is running out, and will pass anyways, you might as well do something that sets your soul on fire!  When you are ready, go here!
