Inspiration From Seeking The Unknown

I talk about my experience from watching The Jesus Revolution Movie.  The kids were searching for all the right things in all the wrong places.  That generation was seeking something, and there was a VOID within them, and they were trying to fill that void with things that were very unconventional, and very harmful to their bodies.  The main character who the movie was written about had a very bad experience from using illicit drugs and his life began to turn around from that point onward.  We are all on a quest in our life to find something that will complete us as human beings. When you realize that your life is a journey, and you have the ability to change the compass to your destination things become very interesting. When you realize that you must step out in faith in order to achieve your dreams you will be met with every imaginable obstacle along the way.  I’ve been searching for something for along time.   Are being the person the God created you to be, or are you trying to fill that void with things that don’t serve your purpose for being here.  What journey are you on at present? Are you living up to your potential for your purpose? When you are ready you can reach out and we can have  converstation!
