Inspiration From The Arc Angel Gabriel

I had a conversation with a colleague of mine about his wife and her story and what his life was like for about 12 years.  We should rejoice in the struggle even when we cant understand it. His wife was in a car wreck and upon that discovery they found out that she had cancer.   She needed a multiviseral surgery and this was a last ditch effort to keep her alive. They finally found a Doctor around 44 days of being on a wait list and they actually got the call at 4:44pm that said we could make the surgery happen.  Her life was prolonged by another 512 days from when that surgery happened.  How would you spend your time if you knew you only had a limited amount of days left on this planet.   One of these days none of us will be here.  If you want a good dose of perspective you need to go and read Chasing Daylight by Eugene O Kelly.  What would it take for you to get going in regards to you pursuing dreams.  You are going to have to  be your biggest cheerleader on this journey.  How would you spend your time if you knew you only  had 90 days to live?  When you are ready to launch your movement and get from where you are to where you want to go.


