Inspiration From The Crossroads of Life

I discuss something I heard at the Toastmasters Conference in Asheville.  Are you at a place in your life where nothing seems fresh?  Its time to make a decision!  There is a calling and purpose on your life! Where do you want to go?  Who do you want to become? The world needs to hear from you and once you realize that you can begin to see the opportunity that awaits for you! What have you been through that could be a blessing to someone else?  Most people don’t wanna put in the work in regards to pursuing lofty goals in this life.  You will be met with all sorts of adversity when you push your chips into the middle of the table. There is always a lesson for any hardship we encounter! Lets keep the main thing the main thing.  If it isn’t going to matter in 5 years, I wouldn’t give it 5 minutes of energy! Are you obsessed with making a difference in this life?  If so, you can reach out at the link below and I would love to have a conversation with you about that!
