Inspiration From The Fear of Rejection

The FEAR of rejection will stop you in your tracks from doing the thing you need to do.  I dropped my daughter off for volleyball camp and I could see the fear on her face of all the older kids kind of hanging out who have been in the program before.  I used to not have any confidence or self esteem when I was younger just like her.  The fear of rejection by any group of people can be so debilitating especially when you are going for your dreams.  When you realize that you are wasting your life giving your time away to people, places, and organizations that don’t align with your purpose, i want to welcome you to the starting gate!  I asked my daughter what she learned, and she told me that they taught her how to serve over handed, and she said she wasn’t really good at it.  We have talked about this sort of thing before, and anything that we want to do as human beings we are simply not going to be good at the first time around.  It will be paramount for you on your journey to get around people who are doing the thing you want to do so you can learn from them and get equipped faster than it would take to learn it on your own. That’s why i believe so much in coaching and mentorship.  When  you are held accountable you will want to ensure to get the work done because you don’t want to let anyone else down including yourself.  Dont let the opinions of other people prevent you from pursuing a dream or lofty goal?  One day will be too late!  Lets have a conversation!


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